Do you live outside of the heteronormative-cisgender box?

Have you been to other supposed “LGBTQ-friendly” counselors who had no idea what you were talking about?

Could you use a safe space to process your feelings and assess your goals?

If you can relate to any of the above, then you’ve come to the right place.

No judgments. No biases. Just a strong support system with open ears.

Stigma, in any form, is an impediment to the well-being of those who experience it. Given the stressors that LGBTQ+ groups must confront, such as homophobia, prejudice, coming out, and discrimination, finding a therapist who is openly LGBT-friendly or who specializes in LGBT issues is crucial to your personal growth.

Chrysalis Counseling offers stigma-free, affirming, compassionate therapy for all LGBTQIA+ Individuals.